Editor’s Note: Often there are important lessons learned for employers that come from seemingly unrelated cases. This post from our sister blog – Technology Law Source – highlights important e-discovery tips from Peggy Koesel and Tracey Turnbull. Even though this case is a products liability case, as Peggy and Tracey explain, the takeaways as they relate to e-discovery are universal and are very much worth sharing here.
Many people use the start of a new year to resolve to improve their diet, get more sleep and exercise more. Professional resolutions for attorneys often focus on improving efficiency, expanding networks and areas of expertise or simply submitting their time entries properly. A decision late last year in the In re Pradaxa Products Liability Litigation suggests some potential professional resolutions for litigators and in-house litigation counsel to consider when litigation arises or is reasonably anticipated.
Continue Reading Three Additions to Your New Year’s Resolutions from Pradaxa