As we told reminded you last month here, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”), the agency that has enforcement responsibility over the Fair Credit Report Act (“Act”), revised the forms which employers must use to comply with the FCRA, effective January 1, 2013. There was only one little problem with the forms the CFPB provided for use: They contained various typos and technical errors that the CFPB now has recognized in its Supplementary Information in the November 14, Federal Register Notice.
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House to Vote on “Ledbetter” and “Paycheck Fairness” Acts
Today the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on and pass two controversial bills affecting employers. Both bills have the strong support of Democrats in Congress and the incoming Obama administration.
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Court Finds That Immigrant Workers’ Transportation and Visa Expenses Must Be Taken Into Account For Minimum Wage Purposes
A recent wage-and-hour case illustrates the effect payroll deductions can have on minimum wage compliance.
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Sixth Circuit Holds That Gas Station Manager Is An Executive Employee Under the FLSA
Adding clarity to an often-litigated area of wage and hour law, the Sixth Circuit recently held that a small store manager was exempt from wage and hour overtime requirements despite her performance of non-managerial tasks and close supervision by her district manager.
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