We recently reported that the Senate passed a #MeToo bill that banned the use of mandatory arbitration agreements for sexual harassment and sexual assault claims. This bill was signed into law by President Biden on March 3, 2022. On March 17, 2022, the House took it a step further and voted 222-209 to pass the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act (H.R. 963).
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Ohio extends State Mini-COBRA Health Insurance Continuation Coverage From 12 to 15 Months
By Porter Wright on
Governor Strickland just signed into law a bill (House Bill 300) that would extend Ohio’s state “mini COBRA” coverage for any policies delivered, issued, or renewed on or after February 25, 2010.
Continue Reading Ohio extends State Mini-COBRA Health Insurance Continuation Coverage From 12 to 15 Months
Ohio Legislature Preserves BWC Group Rating Program For the Time Being
By Brian Hall on
The Ohio legislature has enacted House Bill 79, which became law on January 6, 2009. House Bill 79 allows the group rating program to continue by simply changing one word in Ohio Revised Code §4123.29.
Continue Reading Ohio Legislature Preserves BWC Group Rating Program For the Time Being