Current and former employees of the City of Columbus, Division of Police, challenged the City’s Directive requiring employees returning from sick leave to submit a doctor’s note, stating the "nature of the illness" and whether the employee is capable of returning to regular duty to their immediate supervisors. The employees filed suit in the United

With each passing day, it appears more likely that Ohioans will be going to the polls on November 4, 2008 to vote on whether employers that employ at least 25 workers in Ohio will be required by law to provide workers with up to seven days of paid sick leave annually. Passage of this measure would be both costly and disruptive to Ohio businesses. As a result, Ohio’s business community must become more vocal in educating the voting public, particularly their employees, on the detriments of the so-called Ohio Healthy Families Act and, at the same time, begin taking steps to prepare for its potential enactment.Continue Reading Potential For Paid Sick Leave Mandate Warrants Pro-Active Strategy