
Check the Fall forecast for your workplace at

Porter Wright’s Employer Law Forecast

Fall is here – time for football, back to school activities and planning for the holidays.

For many employers, however, Fall also comes with its fair share of seasonal headaches, including:

Paying employees correctly during daylight savings Holiday pay and FMLA issues during the Fall holidays
Fantasy football in the workplace Voting leave laws during Election Day

To address these and other seasonal concerns, Porter Wright is pleased to share the latest posts on our microsite – Employer Law Forecast, a new way to deliver insightful legal content to readers.

The Employer Law Forecast is an online tool that helps employers and human resource professionals plan for employment law issues that occur seasonally. The site offers visitors a wealth of knowledge on employment law, combining relevant and educational information within entertaining and thought-provoking content.

In the Forecast’s posts, Porter Wright’s attorneys provide analysis and insight into new developments in employment law and provide links to helpful resources.

The Employer Law Forecast is a supplement to the firm’s long-standing Employer Law Report Blog – www.employerlawreport.com. The Forecast’s user-friendly seasonal format makes it easier for human resource professionals to find relevant information before it’s needed, and to serveas a helpful reminder of what employers can expect next.

The Forecast was designed to provide easy access from mobile devices, optimizing the user experience depending on the type of device used to view the site. The Forecast functions like a smart phone app, but is still available on desktop computers, making it easy for readers to find the content they seek without downloading an app.

Click here to view the Forecast and sign up for its seasonal updates.