In a previous post, we discussed plaintiffs’ attempt in the class action lawsuit Mark v. Gawker Media LLC (S.D.N.Y.) to notify potential members of the class via social media. On March 5, 2015, U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan took a very limited view of what kind of notification would be permitted when using forums like Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Judge Nathan stated the court’s contemplated use of social media was simply an analogue to the typical mailing of notice and agreed upon use of email. Posts on Reddit and Tumblr must specifically target individuals with opt-in rights, rather than simply calling attention to the lawsuit. Similarly, the use of Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook is to be limited to private, personalized notifications sent to potential plaintiffs whose identities are known and may not be reachable by other means. So it appears, at least for now, the court is allowing the use of social media only to the extent it mirrors more traditional means of class notification. This ruling is good news for employers because the use of social media as a means for FLSA class action notification as restricted by the court should not greatly expand the number of opt-in plaintiffs.