We have reported on a federal court’s rulings related to plaintiff’s efforts in Mark v. Gawker Media LLC (S.D.N.Y.) to use social media to notify potential class action members here and here. On April 10 the court held that the class plaintiffs, former interns for the website Gawker, can use social media to notify potential members of their class, with certain restrictions. Plaintiffs are permitted to reach known former Gawker interns via social media with a message that is “substantially similar” to the message contained in traditional forms of notice sent in the case. The court, however, ordered that plaintiffs “unfollow” any interns on Twitter when the opt-in period closes unless the individual has chosen to opt in to the action. In addition, plaintiffs are not permitted to “friend” individuals on Facebook, as it could create a misleading impression of the individual’s relationship with plaintiffs’ counsel.